Change of lifestyle helps to cure heartburn

A busy lifestyle with little time to care about proper eating habits and rest, can lead to poor health conditions. Most people suffer from a common ailment called ‘heartburn’ from time to time. In this condition, the acidic contents of the stomach are pushed back up into the oesophagus. The acid is not meant to be in the oesophagus and leads to severe discomfort when it affects the delicate lining of the oesophagus. It is advisable to see your doctor if this is happening too often as it may be a condition called ‘GERD’. If left untreated, it could lead to more serious ailments.

There are some natural heartburn cures. For example, keep a diary and maintain a record of all the foods that trigger heartburn. You could make an effort to avoid these foods and prevent heartburn. Coffee, vinegar, citrus fruits and chocolate are some of the foods which are known to trigger heartburn. Also, make it a point to eat smaller portions and chew your food well. Eat at least two hours before you plan to lie down at night. Smoking aggravates the condition too. Stress plays a major role. If you can keep your stress levels low, it would be a big help. Some other natural heartburn cures are aloe vera juice and slippery elm. Although there is no scientific proof that aloe vera helps prevent heartburn, it has been used as a natural home remedy for centuries. Quarter cup of aloe vera juice is taken by adults about twenty minutes before a meal. Slippery elm is another of the folk heartburn remedies that seems to work wonders for the condition although there is no scientific proof of this. The herb marshmallow is also another of the popular heartburn remedies. The root of the plant is boiled and can be made into marshmallow tea. Herbalists suggest that drinking two to three cups of this herbal tea a day could help to relieve the troublesome symptoms of heartburn. Chewing gum is also a cure for heartburn. The chewing action suppresses the nerves that cause the pain related to heartburn. It also increases the pH of saliva.

More than anything, a change of lifestyle would help to cure heartburn. Keep proper hours. Eat well. Get enough rest. Take time out for some entertainment. It will help you to relax and keep your stress levels low.