Natural Heartburn Cures- healthier option

Heartburn is a very common condition among people. It is a sign of poor health caused by poor diet. There are many over-the-counter medication that help to relieve it and most people chose this to do so. However there are many natural heartburn cures that are safer and less likely to cause other complications.

Apple cider vinegar is a healthy, fast and easy remedy for heartburn. Taking half a shot of it does wonders. It can be taken diluted as well, however it is much more effective when taken straight. It is acidic but has alkaline-forming which is suitable in these modern times with our acid-forming diets.

Aloe Vera and coconut water are also very effective natural heartburn cures. They are both natural acid neutralizers and depending on the severity of the heartburn, they can bring instant, soothing relief to the person. This is a great option to apple cider vinegar as they are delicious and one can drink as much as one needs.

Ginger tea is also able to give immediate relief from heartburn and acid indigestion. You can boil water with freshly shredded ginger and let it steep for about 10 minutes. After it has cooled down, you can drink and get instant relief. It is a good idea to do this ahead as sometimes the pain that comes with it can be intolerable and it is impossible to wait even for a few minutes.

Fenugreek seeds are also known to provide fast relief. They coat the lining of the stomach and provide relief for acid indigestion as well. A teaspoon or two in our food can do the trick.

Chamomile tea and dandelion tea are also helpful in relieving pain. However, dandelion tea must be taken with caution especially if you have high blood pressure or are taking medication for it. This is due to the fact that dandelion in large doses interferes with blood sugar levels. It may also affect the efficiency of medication for hypertension.

Aromatherapy is also one of the heartburn remedies. You can add four drops of lemon essential oil to a teaspoon of grapeseed based oil and use this mixture to massage your chest and upper back. You can also mix the solution to your bath water and inhale the vapours. As an alternative, you can also use orange or orange blossom oils as well.

As mentioned earlier, allopathic medication can cause more harm than do good while trying to relieve heartburn. Natural heartburn cures are the easier and healthier option.